Star Jones Finally Admits to Lying About Fat Surgery

Star Jones has finally admitted that her rapid weight loss was not due to Pilates and diet as she said over and over again. It was of course gastric-bypass. We all knew this, but homegirl never confessed.

In a self-written article for Glamour Star said:

“I admit that when asked about my obvious weight loss over the past four years, I was intentionally evasive. Lying was never an option for me, so I called it a ‘medical intervention,’ which was true, but it was really a pathetic attempt to tell only the truth I could handle at the time.”

“I couldn’t breathe without sounding winded; walk without getting tired; sleep without snoring; or take a flight without using a seat belt extender.”

“Every day I am learning to let go of my insecurities and acknowledge that I don’t have all the answers, which is okay,” she writes. Though she still struggles with self-image, she writes that being healthy is what counts. “I’m not saying that in order to be happy, women need to be a certain size, but I am saying that we should all strive to be healthy.”

Star called her “her secret.” It was nobody’s secret! The world knew! She’s like those high school girls that come back from the Summer break with a new nose and say they just lost some baby fat.

Star is lying about lying. She did straight-up lie! She said it was Pilates and diet. If she would’ve been honest about it and said, “Look, I’m a fat heifer and I needed to let some of the gas out of the balloon” we would’ve understood. I mean she was obese.