K-Fat Will Eat You

Kevin Federline showed up at the Ryan Sheckler X Games Celebrity Classic looking like he ate his kids.

At one point at Ryan Sheckler X Games Celebrity Classic, an employee on the grounds saw Federline and remarked, “Man, that’s a belly on him! That’s K-Fed?!?”

While other celebrities like Verne Troyer, Frankie Delgado and Josh Henderson participated in competitive activities, Federline, 31, spent some time with girlfriend Victoria Prince sitting on a shaded patio sipping vodka and orange juice cocktails and smoking cigarettes.

The best part of the story is that Verne Troyer, who is basically handicapped, was able to compete athletically but K-Fed couldn’t get his fat ass off the patio. The only way this story could possibly be any more pathetic is if Popozao was somehow involved.

K-Fat Will Eat You K-Fat Will Eat You K-Fat Will Eat You K-Fat Will Eat You K-Fat Will Eat You K-Fat Will Eat You K-Fat Will Eat You K-Fat Will Eat You