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Entries for March, 2010

Gerard Butler Is Pure Gentleman

So the guy on the right is Gerard Butler. And the woman in the middle with the finger up her ass is Jennifer Aniston. TMZ has a bunch of pictures of Gerard Butler giving it to Jennifer Aniston while posing for a picture with a fan in Paris. But seriously, we can try to explain [...]

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Adrianne Curry Is Almost Topless

I don’t know if Twitter is giving out awards this year, but I think Coco might have some competition in the “Best Achievement in Attention Whore” category.

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Ricky Martin Comes Out Of The Closet

After the bombshell Ricky Martin dropped on his blog today, I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to shake my hips to one of his songs in the same way ever again. From his blog: What will happen from now on? It doesn’t matter. I can only focus on what’s happening to me in [...]

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