A History Lesson From Sarah Palin
I’m just as big of an idiot as the next guy. Except, of course, if the next guy is Sarah Palin.
See, I have no problem with someone not knowing their historical facts. It’s a life-long learning process, and in the case of Ms. Palin she just started this journey. But I do have a problem if said person can’t get their basic, historical facts straight and they want to either run for president or be a part of the political discourse in this country. Not cool.
In case you missed it, here’s a funny video of Sarah Palin “explaining” the historical significance of Paul Revere. The funny thing is, this sounds a lot like when some hot girl asks me if I’ve read “Hunger Games” and I try to explain the plot, having not read the book — Yeah… the book was about… a guy… there was…. freedom and the guy played some games. Am I not getting laid?
Whatever happened to “no comment.” Or, “that’s my Beastie Boys jam!”

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