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Entries for the ‘CRAZY’ Category

Josh Powell Kills Two Sons & Self In An Explosion

This story is pretty much as awful as it gets. Josh Powell, a suspect in his wife’s 2009 disappearance, set up an explosion of his home yesterday that resulted in his own death, along with the death of his two sons. As first reported by The Seattle Times, a case worker dropped Powell’s two kids [...]

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Celebrity Pictures Of The Day

For reasons known only to her, Courtney Love posted a picture of herself wearing nothing but dingy underwear on Twitter over the weekend, and I think someone should call 911. Or at the very least, a hair stylist. Because Court looks like a Craigslist call girl passed out in a chair at the Ramada Inn [...]

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Yoko Ono Is Talented

Forget John Lennon, forget Paul McCartney . . . Yoko was the real talent behind the Beatles. Just check out this brilliant performance above and tell me otherwise.

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