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Entries for the ‘Jessica Simpson’ Category

Jessica Simpson Shows Off Her Huge Baby Bump At NBC Party

Jessica Simpson attended NBC Universal’s Winter Tour party in L.A. and holy shit, she is huge. If anything less than an elephant comes out of her in a few months, I’m going to be fucking pissed off.

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Jessica Simpson Signs Deal With Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers will pay Jessica Simpson $3 million dollars to lose weight and endorse their diet plan after she gives birth. So in June, when you see Jessica Simpson waddle into court for a breach of contract lawsuit, this will be why.

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Jessica Simpson Gets A $15,000 Bag For Her Birthday

Jessica Simpsons 31st birthday was yesterday, and she was so excited about the present her fiance bought her with her money that she went on twitter to post a picture and say: Eric made my birthday!!! I have never been more surprised in my life! Jackie O who? That’s a purse, by the way. If [...]

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