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Entries for the ‘Kevin Federline’ Category

Kevin Federline Knows How To Read!

It’s amazing, isn’t it ?! I had no idea that Kevin Federline knew how to read until I saw the photographic evidence. During a photo shoot with his pregnant girlfriend, Victoria Prince, cameras also shot a picture of her baby’s daddy with a book! Methinks he better be reading up on getting a vasectomy, because [...]

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K-Fat Will Eat You

Kevin Federline showed up at the Ryan Sheckler X Games Celebrity Classic looking like he ate his kids. At one point at Ryan Sheckler X Games Celebrity Classic, an employee on the grounds saw Federline and remarked, “Man, that’s a belly on him! That’s K-Fed?!?” While other celebrities like Verne Troyer, Frankie Delgado and Josh [...]

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K-Fat Is Getting A Reality Show

Kevin Federline and his girlfriend, Stephanie Tanner-something or other, might be getting a reality show. It’s Britney Spears’ wife-beater-loving ex-husband Kevin Federline, and he’s eyeing a new reality program to show off his latest girlfriend, Victoria Prince, and (gasp) his two sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, a source tells E! News. “Victoria is a [...]

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