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Entries for the ‘Madonna’ Category

M.I.A. Flipped Off The Super Bowl

Everyone was expecting Madonna to pull some Janet Jackson-type shenanigans during her Super Bowl half-time show, but it was M.I.A. who crossed FCC lines last nite… by giving the finger. Oooh. ESPN says: In front of some 110 million viewers on NBC and uncounted others online, she flipped the bird and appeared to sing, “I [...]

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Madonna’s ‘Give Me All Your Love’ Leaks

Two short clips of Madonna’s new single “Give Me All Your Love” leaked online yesterday, but those have been taken down, but it doesn’t matter because the entire track leaked today. Madonna is believed to be performing the single at next year’s Super Bowl with M.I.A. and Nicki Minaj. The track has copious amounts of [...]

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Madonna Is Starting To Look Old

Do you remember a long, long time ago when Madonna was hot. She would roll around in little white dresses, talking about being like a virgin. Ahh those were the days. This is not one of those days. . . All right, so no one here is saying that Madonna was the sexiest thing to [...]

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