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Entries for the ‘Mary Kate Olsen’ Category

Mary-Kate Olsen Is Pregnant

The National Enquirer via The Post Chronicle alleges that Mary-Kate Olsen could be with child. They say her weight shooting up to 102lbs is a clear indication. “Mary-Kate has been looking a lot rounder recently. It is good she has put on weight, because she previously suffered from anorexia, but a lot of people [...]

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A double boob job for the Olsen Twins?

Ashley Olsen and Mary-Kate are reportedly fighting over whether or not to have breast enlargements. Mary-Kate doesn’t want to because she’s into that waifish look and thinks clothes look better with less cleavage. Ashley, on the other hand, wants tits. Star writes: “Ashley is considering getting her boobs done because she wants to look more [...]

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Mary-Kate Olsen Forgets To Put Pants On

The sneaky troll known as Mary-Kate Olsen has the right idea. Why bother getting dressed anymore? Fuck, why bother washing your hair? Life would be so much easier if we all just rolled out of bed, put on some nasty chanklas, ate a bowl of liver spots and then headed out the door. [...]

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