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Entries for the ‘Tony Bennett’ Category

Lady Gaga Posed Nude for Tony Bennett

This is Lady Gaga as sketched by Tony Bennett, who apparently signs his original artwork with his real last name “Benedetto” because all Italians have secret mob names. It’s currently up for auction to benefit GaGa and Tony’s charities, according to HuffPost Culture: Talking during her Thanksgiving TV special, Gaga described the incident: “I walked [...]

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Amy Winehouse: ‘Body and Soul’ Video With Tony Bennett

It is both appropriate and sad that the video for “Body and Soul,” a duet by Tony Bennett and the late Amy Winehouse, has been released on her 28th birthday. The duet, recorded earlier this year, would be Amy’s final recording. The soul singer passed away in late July, possibly due to a seizure brought [...]

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